Growth Mixtape Podcast with Bob Mathers
Listen to my conversations with the most interesting people you may not have come across yet. These conversations might not seem to have a lot in common at first. But just like songs on a mixtape, they create something memorable and emotional. So, let's press play and see what we learn about ourselves.
I'm Bob Mathers, host of the Growth Mixtape podcast. I love chasing my curiosity; the further from my comfort zone, the better. I find the most powerful ideas, the ones that compel us to do bold things, happen by accident.
It is these unexpected collisions that I’m excited to explore in this new podcast. These conversations always give me new insights I never would have gotten from other experts in my field.
Please join me for stories from leaders in business, the sciences, academia and the arts. My goal in every episode is to provide you with a surprising insight that you can apply right now to get unstuck and start building the business and the life you've always wanted.
Growth Mixtape Podcast with Bob Mathers
Come Together: What the Beatles Still Teach Us to This Day with Andrew Hunt
Today we talk to Andrew Hunt, a history professor and best-selling author of Beatlemania in America: Fan Culture from Below.
As a lifelong music fan, I feel like I’ve been preparing for this conversation my whole life. The truth is I’ve always been more of a Stones fan than a Beatles guy, but that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate that they changed everything. I don’t care what kind of music you’re into, it wouldn’t exist without the Beatles.
So the question is…how?
How does something explode like they did? How much of it has to do with them, and how much of it was what was happening at the time?
How did these 4 ordinary guys come together to create something so much greater than anything any of them could do on their own?
And maybe, most importantly, can it ever happen again?
I’ve been fascinated lately about creativity - where it comes from, how to harness it, and how to use it with other people. This conversation came to me just when I needed it most.
Please enjoy, Andrew Hunt.
Key Takeaways:
- We tend to put the Beatles on a pedestal, but they were just ordinary guys with extraordinary creativity.
- Creativity flourishes in collaboration. Individually the Beatles were talented, but together they created something that was so much greater than the sum of their parts.
- The Beatles were the soundtrack to a generation’s adolescence. Their music over the years reflected what they were going through as individuals, which perfectly mirrored what their fans were going through.
- Can it happen again? Creative outbursts are seen throughout history. They’re cyclical. It’s just a matter of time before it happens again.
- When teaching the Beatles to a new generation, you can’t just talk about it. You need to immerse them in everything that was happening at the time.
- Modern technology has made us lazy. There is still lots of creativity out there, but we have to work harder to find the stuff off the beaten path.
Connect with Andrew
Buy the book: Beatlemania in America: Fan Culture from Below
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