Growth Mixtape Podcast with Bob Mathers
Listen to my conversations with the most interesting people you may not have come across yet. These conversations might not seem to have a lot in common at first. But just like songs on a mixtape, they create something memorable and emotional. So, let's press play and see what we learn about ourselves.
I'm Bob Mathers, host of the Growth Mixtape podcast. I love chasing my curiosity; the further from my comfort zone, the better. I find the most powerful ideas, the ones that compel us to do bold things, happen by accident.
It is these unexpected collisions that I’m excited to explore in this new podcast. These conversations always give me new insights I never would have gotten from other experts in my field.
Please join me for stories from leaders in business, the sciences, academia and the arts. My goal in every episode is to provide you with a surprising insight that you can apply right now to get unstuck and start building the business and the life you've always wanted.
Growth Mixtape Podcast with Bob Mathers
Real-life Footloose, Punk Love Songs and Focus in a Distracted World with Greg Bennick
Today we talk to Greg Bennick. He’s a punk rocker, activist, documentary filmmaker, philanthropist, keynote speaker, juggler and expert coin collector. He’s also written a new book, Reclaim the Moment: Seven Strategies to Build a Better Now.
I could have talked to Greg for an hour about any one of these parts of his life - he’s got a way of making everything that interesting. We talk about Seattle’s teen dance ordinance, a real-life Footloose law that he helped overturn. We talk about how punk music is really just love songs. And we explore the central themes that tie all of his various pursuits together.
If you ever struggle with focusing on what matters, finding your purpose or trying to figure out what makes you special in this world - this conversation is for you.
Connect with Greg:
Key Takeaways:
- Changing the system from within: Greg’s involvement in overturning Seattle’s teen dance ordinance showcases the power of grassroots advocacy and persistence when making changes from within the system.
- Straight edge movement: Explore a subgenre of punk that emphasizes a lifestyle free of alcohol and drugs that is centered around the love of music..
- Majestic failures: Nobody advertises their failures. But behind every best-selling book or successful keynote speech are dozens of failures that paved the way for the success everyone sees.
- Re-inventing yourself throughout your career: Your journey is unique. You have more to offer the world than you think. Deciding what to do next in your career is not about what, but why.
- Focus and Balance: Strategies to maintain focus and balance in a world filled with distractions, as discussed in Greg’s upcoming book, “Reclaim the Moment.”
Resources Mentioned:
- Podcast: Let the Kids Dance (KUOW & NPR) – A deep dive into the history of Seattle's teen dance ordinance.
- Books:
- Denial of Death by Ernest Becker
- Art and Artist by Otto Rank
- Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
- Upcoming Book: Reclaim the Moment: Seven Strategies to Build a Better Now by Greg Bennick
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Connect with Bob Mathers